In celebration of shell-ebration of World Turtle Day and all our turtle and tortoise buddies, let's make waves for turtle conservation together! Learn how you can help to preserve the natural habitat of these slow and steady pals.
Join us for our celebration of International Vulture Awareness Day! These feathered friends may not be the fanciest, but they play a SUPER important role in keeping our world clean and healthy. From preserving their habitats to spreading awareness, we've got all the tips and tricks to help our vulture buddies thrive!
Party with the Saginaw County Commission on Aging, featuring dancing and live music from David Britton! RSVP for a light lunch by 9/10 via the Commission on Aging (989-797-6880)*. Seniors 60+ receive FREE admission into the Zoo this day from 10AM-5PM! *Lunch served at noon. Meal donation of $2.25 for 60+ $5.00 for guests <60.
The majestic Mexican Grey Wolf might seem like a character from a fairy tale, but they play an important role in keeping nature in balance! Join us for a howling good time learning about wolf conservation and what your Zoo pals are doing to contribute to the effort.
Enjoy a Halloween costume party, themed edZOOcational activities, wacky entertainment, and ghoulishly fun giveaways at our spooktacularly decorated Zoo! Enjoy free Carousel and Train rides, too! Infants 11 months and under are free. Saginaw Children's Zoo members receive FREE admission to this event and do not need a ticket for entry. Reciprocal discounts are not […]
Enjoy a Halloween costume party, themed edZOOcational activities, wacky entertainment, and ghoulishly fun giveaways at our spooktacularly decorated Zoo! Enjoy free Carousel and Train rides, too! Infants 11 months and under are free. Saginaw Children's Zoo members receive FREE admission to this event and do not need a ticket for entry. Reciprocal discounts are not […]